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First WEIB event was a success

Oprettet dato: 9. maj 2014


DanWEC and BEPPo sponsored and participated in the first WEIB (Wave Energy Innovation and Business2Business) event in Esbjerg on the 30th  April 2014. and Danish Partnership for Wave Power, where DanWEC is participating partner, organized the first WEIB, where 70 participants from the offshore industry in Denmark and the Wave energy sector met to share information and establish basis for a strong collaboration. Wave energy is a strong part of the future Marine, Blue Ocean and Offshore energy activities, and the well-established Offshore technology developers and industry can find common interest with the upcoming and developing wave sector.


This first event gave strong evidence that the sectors can share common marine and port based infrastructure, develop more offshore technologies together, and join in the effort to harvest the offshore renewable energy from waves and wind. Concrete meetings between the sectors gave strong hopes that concrete project partnerships will be seen in the near future.




The event was given a high media profile, and the Local TV station 'TV syd Denmark' made a news report. Click to watch.



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